Scottish scallops baked in the shell with a fine vegetable julienne, ginger, coriander, fish stock, Noilly Prat and butter

Recipe by Steven Doherty.


2 scallops in the shells                                  
Fish stock
Leek, Carrot, Ginger  for the julienne                
Fresh coriander                                                
Unsalted butter
Noilly Prat
Sunflower oil
2 puff pastry strips pre-cut

Butter Sauce

Unsalted butter                                              
Double cream                                                
White wine vinegar                                        
White wine
Fresh ginger
Fresh coriander
Banana shallot


Fresh seaweed
Sea salt


Open the scallops, remove, clean and trim them up.  The roe is not used.

Slice each scallop in half, place on J-cloths and refrigerate.

Clean the shells.

Trim, peel and wash the vegetables and cut into very fine julienne.

Mix the julienne together – you will need approximately 125g.

Trim and cut the ginger into very fine brunoise.

Chop the coriander.

Heat a large non-stick frying pan and add a splash of sunflower oil.

Lightly cook the julienne and a small amount of ginger.

Remove from the pan and drain on a J-cloth and allow to cool.

Peel and very finely chop the shallot.

Place in a suitable saucepan, cover with white wine, a little white wine vinegar and Noilly Prat and keep for later use.

To Build the Scallops

In the cleaned bottom shell, place a little of the cooled julienne, some ginger, a little coriander, a knob of butter and a splash of fish stock and Noilly Prat.

Arrange the sliced scallops on top, add a little more julienne, place the top shell on, seal it with the pastry and glaze with egg wash.

Place the shells on the sea salt base ready to bake in the oven

Butter Sauce

Place the saucepan with the marinading shallots on the stove and reduce .  Some ginger may be added.

Add the cream and reduce by half then add the butter.

Carefully taste for seasoning and balance of acidity.

Strain through a fine chinois, keep warm  and add ginger and coriander to taste.

Butter Sauce

Bake the scallops on the tray at 180oC-200oC for 10-15 minutes.

Remove from the oven and serve immediately on the prepared serving dishes with the sea salt and seaweed.

Serve the butter sauce in a sauce boat.


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Cinnamon, Bergamot and Apple Snacking Bar