Supporting you and the industry
The Master Chefs of Great Britain is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to excellence in the culinary arts. Our members are leading figures in the industry, serving as ambassadors for both our association and the broader culinary community.
What benefits will a membership bring you?
Membership provides numerous advantages, including the prestigious title of ‘Master Chef of Great Britain,’ a mark of exceptional skill and recognition. As a member, you’ll be seen as a leader and influencer in the culinary world, helping to shape the future of the industry. You will also contribute to our mission of supporting young chefs and promoting outstanding British producers, growers, and manufacturers. Members benefit from opportunities to showcase their expertise and elevate their profile within the industry.
How do you join the Master Chefs of Great Britain?
To maintain the high standards of our association, prospective members should have a proven background in a 2 AA Rosette or Michelin Guide listed establishment for a minimum of two years. We also consider other achievements and contributions. Membership is either by invitation or through personal application, with the latter encouraged to include a recommendation from an existing full member of the MCGB.
Associate Member
Ideal for leading hotel managers and other professionals outside the kitchen who wish to support MCGB activities.
£50 Annual Membership (VAT exempt).
£30 joining fee.
Chef Member
Available to Head Chefs, Sous Chefs, and CDPs working in recognised, accredited establishments, often under the guidance of an MCGB full member, as well as to lecturers based on career history.
£50 Annual Membership (VAT exempt).
£30 joining fee.
Full Member
Designed for Executive/Head Chefs, Chef Patrons, Sous Chefs, senior lecturers, and industry professionals who can demonstrate excellence through industry recognition and experience in highly acclaimed establishments over a number of years.
Members can use the initials MCGB after their name and receive an embroidered chef jacket, certificate, and plaque.
£95 Annual Membership (VAT exempt).
£75 joining fee.
Our current members
Mark Aisthorpe
Bilial Al Helou
Robert Allen
Mark Allison
Stasos Anastadiades
James Anderson
Andreas Antona
Stuart Ascott
Frances Atkins
David Auchie
Robin Austin
Simon Attridge
Daniel Ayton
Stavros Bampatsikos
Ben Bartlett
Tony Baughan
David Bell
Matthew Benson-Smith
John Benson-Smith
Gary Benton
Joe Berry
David Berry
Alistair Bishop
Galton Blackiston
Jeff Bland
Paul Bloxham
Paul Boorman
7th Earl of Bradford
Tessa Bramley
Keith Braidwood
Richard Bridgman
Trevor Brooks
James Brown
Russell Brown
Sheena Buchanan-Smith
Tony Budde
Darron Bunn
Phillip Burgess
Mick Burke
DS Cameron
Tracy Carr
Gordon Cartwright
Murray Chapman
Graeme Cheevers
Tim Cheevers
John Chomba
Graham Clarke
Gilli Cliff
Staphanie Conway
Lee Cooper
Rob Cox
Nigel Crane
Darren Creed
Chad Crooks
William Curley
Richard Dalgleish
Annada Sankar Das
Scott Davies
Simon Diprose
Gordon Dochard
Tim Dover
Mark Drumond
John Feeney
Jon Fell
Ryan Fernandes
Zack Feve
Barry Fleming
Mark Fletcher
Ethan Forsyth
Alistair J Fowlie
Stephen Frost
Anthony Gascoigne
Paul Gayler MBE
Kamil Gloeh
John Goff
Peter Gorton
Debbie Gooder
James Graham
Enrico Gusella
Colin Guthrie
Jim Hall
Shaune Hall
Roberta Hall-McCarron
Stephen Harrison
Paul Hart
Dominic Hawkes
Grant Hawthorne
Chris Hazelton
David Hearn
Tony Heath
Brian Henry
Kenneth Hett
Elliot Hill
Shaune Hill
Andy Hirst
Jim Hood
Martin Hollis
Neil Hudson
David Hunt
Gary Hunter
Callum Innes
David Izzard
John Jackaman
Craig Jackson
Jamie Jackson
Ian Jaundoo
Rob Jennings
Geoff Johnson
Derek Johnstone
Gareth Johns
Douglas Jordan
John Kelly
Sean Kelly
Bill Kerr
William Kerr
Andrew Kerrigan
Jerome Kidd
Ross Kinnes
Rob Kirby
John Kouphou
Phoebe Lawson
Tom Lawson
Adam Lestrelle
Lindsay Little
David Lilley
Simon Lilley
Hrvoje Loncarevic
Ann Long
Steve Love
Scott Lucas
Rory MacCrimmon
Gary Maclean
Mo Mands
Robert MacPherson
Gerrard Madden
Sunil Malhotra
Chris Mapp
Juan Martin
Ian McAndrew
Lady Claire McDonald OBE
David McDonald Greves
Andrew McGeorge
Hugh McGivern
Don McGovern
Chris McGowan
Donald McInnes
George McIvor OBE
David McKown
Ed McLachlan
Stephen McLaughlin
John McMahon
Jeremy Medley
Craig Millar
Seymour Millington
Graham Mitchell
Calum Montgomery
Jason Morrison
Elliot Moss
Jacky Moss
David Mutter
Nick Nairn
Tim Neal
Sarah Norman
Chris Nurse
Stuart Oliver
Robert (Bob) Oberhoffer
Semih Ozgak
Jason Palin
Stefan Pappert
Alan Paton
Marc Payne
James Peck
Ian Perkins
Willie Pike MBE
Colin Pressdee
Lindsay Prior
Joe Queen
Charlie Ratcliffe
Robert Ramsay
Eamonn Redden
Melinda Renwick
John Retallick
Ian Rhodes
Clive Roberts
Jamie Robinson
Simon Rogers
Stevie Robson
Gerald Roser
Neil Roseweir
Ben Rush
Richard Rusyn
Bruce Sangster
Steven Saunders
Scott Scorer
Darren Seggie
Mathew Shropshall
Adam Simmonds
Peter Simpson
Graham Singer
Phillip Skinazi
Geoffrey Smeddle
Richard Smith
Eric Snaith
Craig Sneddon
Andrew Spence
Natalie Stanton
Shona Sutherland
Scott Stephen
Sonia Stevenson
Szilard Szentesi
James Thomson OBE
William Thomson
Andrew Thwaite
Cyrus Todiwala OBE DL
Gary Townsend
Nick Vadis
Ype Van Der Schaaf
Wendy Vaughan
Rohan Wadke
Garry Watson
Graeme Watson
Spencer Westcott
Chris Wheeler
Paul Whitecross
Russell Williams
Paul Williams
John Williams
Craig Wilson
Daniel Winstanley
Mike Womersley
Jonny Wright
Darren Wynn
Membership application form